Today when I was nursing Wesley at the Children's Museum he bit me. Hard. This is the third time he's done it. When this happens my policy is to yell a lot. And it just happens that yelling is pretty much a knee-jerk reaction to being bit on one of your pink places, so it's a good thing that it's my policy. Unfortunately for me, people generally tend to frown upon adults yelling at little babies. So I just cringed and held it in. Because I was in a public place, I wasn't able to fully assess the damage, but I did see blood. This is so painful I was blinking back tears all the way home.
Right now I am grateful for the fact that Wesley only has 2 bottom teeth. Things surely would have been much worse if he had top ones too. If you are one of the moms who feels bad that you weren't able to nurse your babies, just remember this little story. I truly believe that there are just as many cons to nursing as there are pros.
Now whenever I go to feed Wesley, this is all I can think about:
I hate to say it out loud (or written down- whatever) but this made me laugh. And the the thing that makes me laugh more is clicking to comment and the creepy-fish-monster lining up perfectly with the "Sweet baby Wesley" photo. :D He is OH so sweet.
Also "my pink places" might be my favorite new euphemism - thanks for that.
And tee hee (at that picture, that was hilarious).
My kids are late bloomers when it comes to teeth- Jana didn't get any until 15 months. I hope you're ok!
Oh man! That would do it for me!
oh man, sorry, that makes me cringe just thinking about it.
i don't think i could have held back, especially if it drew blood. and i would have cried and yelled and ranted all the way home.
Oh, Marianne! That is so painful! Matthew bit me three times and Ethan gummed me a few times before he had teeth. Have you tried the flicking? Oh, that is so painful. So sorry. You're such a great mom for still nursing him. Hang in there.
LOL Marianne! You are so funny.
This post made me burst out laughing(although I do feel sorry for your bleeding "pink place"!) Thanks for making me laugh, I needed it today!
This comment is coming late, but I thought I'd check your blog to see if I'd missed any news!
Try pinching him when he bites you. I bet he'll stop. (But try not to draw blood.) :)
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