Wesley Cone was born on June 23rd.
5 lbs 13 oz
18.5 inches
LONG dark eyelashes
This was BY FAR my easiest delivery and recovery. I had the best labor/delivery nurse named Libby. When she came into the room she told me that pain was optional and that I could have what they call the 'Princess Cruise.' This is where you have your epidural placed right when they start the pitocin, so you are pretty much numb when labor starts. Sounds good to me!
I got to the hospital at 10:00 am. By 11:00 I had all of my IV's, the pitocin was started, my water was broken, and my epidural was in and working like a charm.
The nurse checked me at 4:00pm and I was fully dialated. My doctor came in and about 3 pushes later Wesley was born at 4:10pm.
Everyone was quoting the movie, The Princess Bride, because of the name Wesley. Actually, the character in the movie is named Westley with a T, I believe. That's ok, it was still pretty funny.
Dr. Terry: Ok, Marianne give me a big push.
Me: As you wish!*
Nurse: I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!
Other nurse: My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
*Ok, I wasn't actually witty enough to say that. I had other things on my mind at that particular moment. (Like, I hope I don't die, I hope the baby is ok, and I hope James isn't inadvertantly taping my crotch with the camcorder.) But I DID think of it later...
Don't let the smile fool you- I was truly terrified as I was waiting to be induced
My sweet boy
So Tiny
All Ready to Go Home
Now it's almost 2 months later. And I think things are going as well as could be expected. My biggest problem is feeling like I don't have enough time to enjoy Wesley and give him the attention he needs and deserves. I feel so bad when he is crying and I'm scrambling to get everyone out the door, or dinner made, or whatever and I can't help him right then. My time is stretched so thin. I want to just climb in bed with him and snuggle all day. But I guess that is how it goes for the third baby in a family. I still feel so guilty about it though.
Wesley is adorable and is starting to smile and coo at me. That is the best reward for all the work that a new mom does. It's how the baby says, 'Thanks Mom, I love you!'
(Photos by Dana Willis)
1 week ago
Aw, he is still so beautiful! I can't wait to meet him. I am still getting over my jetlag, I hope soon we can get together.
He is such a sweet baby! He seems so calm, that is a good quality for a third child. I remember feeling that same way with Simon, just take the moments that you can with each child and forgive yourself of the rest. Plus, you can send JJ and Mckenna over to play and you can lay in bed with your sweet baby...any time!
marianne, he is beautiful! i'm glad everything went well. i think i'll ask for the princess cruise for my next. :)
also, isn't the mom guilt we give ourselves so awful?! i think we all feel that way sometimes but you need to give yourself a break- you are a great mom!!
Oh...Marianne! He is DARLING! Congratulations on #3.
What a gorgeous baby he is, Marianne (& James)! I am so glad to finally get a peek at the little guy. He is absolutely precious! CONGRATS!
I'm all about the "Princess Cruise". I like to leave the "Torture from He** Cruise" to the crazies who are into that kind of thing. No offense to the crazies.. :)SO glad that all went well!
The Princess Bride thing is hilarious... I never would have made that connection. I love the name Wesley though. Glad you're doing good... I can only imagine how hard it must be to stretch your time between three... one of these days I might get brave enough to try it out. :)
Take care!
He is one handsome little man. That is so funny that they called it the princess cruise, I will ask for that the next time if I remember. I am glad everything went well and that he is here safely.
Ah, what a delicious news bite. He is SO sweet! I'm glad your delivery went so well, it's so great when things work out the way we hope they will. And although it breaks the mommy heart to make a little guy wait, I honestly think it does help them realize they fit into a family and helps them learn a little (im)patience. :) Thanks for the update!
What a beautiful boy! Makes me so excited for ours to come (so soon!). Congratulations, Marianne! :)
Congratulations! What a beautiful baby boy! So, so happy for your family. And glad the delivery went so well.
It's about time we got an update about Wesley!! He is so adorable. I am glad that everything went so well for you. Don't stress about not getting to Wesley right away. We were at Emmett's beck-and-call so much that I swear he became a really cranky and demanding baby because of it. That's just my experience. :) It will all be ok!
So glad to hear the update about your newest addition. He is such a cute little fella! Glad to hear that things went alright! Congratulations!
Mar; the pictures are wonderful. Thanks for your help in 'teaching me' how to make comments on the blog thing. That really helped. It's easy once you know how.
Your blessing day was wonderful. Using the Club House was a brilliant idea and turned out great. That's a good place for that many people to be.
Talk to you soon. Love ya. Jane.
In case I didn't tell you before, congratulations. He is adorable!
He is darling! I'm so glad you got the "princess cruise" and were able to enjoy your delivery. Congrats.
Congratulations on your little peanut. (Stop that rhyming now I mean it. Anybody want a peanut?)
I always motivated by you, your views and way of thinking, again, appreciate for this nice post.
- Norman
Ok, so I realize I am late in reading this and responding to your post, but I had to let you know that your baby is BEAUTIFUL!! I know, I'm not supposed to call a boy beautiful, but he has such beautiful features. Congrats on your new addition!
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