Friday, September 19, 2008

Twilight Trailer Spoof

If you're excited for the Twilight movie like I am, then you've probaby seen the trailer. Here is a spoof that I found on youtube. Some parts are just plain dumb, but some of them had me laughing so hard! Especially the part about the Burger King guy!


Melody said...

That was hilarious, I was laughing so hard I was crying! "You brought a snack." Hee hee!

Brett and Ali said...

Hi Marianne! I stumbled upon your blog on Melody's. Your babies are sooooo cute! email me and I will add you to my list of Hope all is well.

corinne and paul said...

Haha! so funny. I liked the "snack" scene and also the end when they hit the window. i am excited to see the movie.